
Friday, May 20, 2016

Facts About World -Egypt (Chapter-1)

Facts About World -Egypt

1. Who called Egypt ‘the gift of the Nile’?
(a) Hippocrates                                    (b) Cicero
(c) Herodotus                                       (d) Ptolemy
Answer: (c)

2. The capital of Egypt:
(a) Khartoum                                       (b) Cairo
(c) Bamako                                           (d) Cape Town
Answer: (b)

3. Egypt is the ....... most populous country in the continent of Africa.
(a) Fourth                                                 (b) Third
(c) second                                                 (d) Fifth
Answer: (b)

4. Egypt is known as:
(a) Land of Cakes                                    (b) Land of Lilies
(c) Land of Maple                                    (d) Land of Pyramid
Answer: (d)

5. The Suez Canal was opened in .........
(a) 1869                                                       (b) 1879
(c) 1889                                                       (d) 1909
Answer: (a)

6. The Suez Canal connects Mediterranean Sea and .........
(a) Atlantic Ocean                                     (b) Red Sea
(c) Pacific Ocean                                        (d) Black Sea
Answer: (b)

7. The Suez Canal was nationalised in.......
(a) 1955                                                     (b) 1957
(c) 1956                                                      (d) 1958
Answer: (c)

8. The Egyptian president who nationalized Suez Canal:
(a) Hozni Mubarak                                        (b) Anwar Sadat
(c) Abdul Nasser                                      (d) Ferdinand de Lesseps
Answer: (c)

9. The architect of Suez canal is .........
(a) Gustav Eiffel                                             (b) Ferdinand de Lesseps
(c) Bartholdi                                                   (d) Corbusier
Answer: (b)

10. The nationality of Ferdinand de Lesseps:
(a) Egypt                                                           (b) USA
(c) Switzerland                                                (d) France
Answer: (d)

11. The length of Suez Canal is now ....... kms
(a) 192                                                                (b) 292
(c) 392                                                                (d) 492
Answer: (a)

12. ......... is the Asian part of Egypt.
(a) Gaza                                                              (b) Sinai Peninsula
(c) Anatolia                                                        (d) Asia Minor
Answer: (b)

13. T he city of Alexandria was founded by ...... in B.C.332.
(a) Caesar                                                          (b) Cleopatra
(c) Alexander the Great                                 (d) Ptolemy
Answer: (c)

14. .......was the script of ancient Egyptians.
(a) Hieroglyphics                                              (b) Cuneiform
(c) Pictographic                                                 (d) Devanagari
Answer: (a)

15. Ancient Egyptians worshipped ........
(a) Rats                                                               (b) Cats
(c) Tiger                                                              (d) Elephant
Answer: (b)
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A. Facts About World: Israel
B. Facts About World: Bangladesh
C. Facts About World: Russia
C. Facts About World: Indonesia

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